
Senior Spotlight: John’na

John’na Hall
Myers Park High School

Johnna Hall IMG 0154 pj cropped verticalJohn’na is so excited about her future! A senior at Myers Park High School, John’na recently learned that she will be attending her “dream school” for college this fall, Queens University of Charlotte — and on a full scholarship! She says she has CIS to thank for this, as it was her Site Coordinator, Stacey Weinstein, who connected her to the admissions counselor at Queens.

John’na shared that her sophomore year of high school was particularly challenging due to the impact of COVID-19, which severely affected her motivation and grades. Then in her junior year, she met Mrs. Weinstein and CIS.  Through her own tenacity and with support and encouragement from CIS, John’na turned her grades around, earning all A’s and B’s in her junior year. She earned some college credits through dual enrollment at CPCC. She became very involved in CIS activities and opportunities, which broadened her network and helped her confidence grow.

Though John’na’s personality tends to be on the shy side, she is happy to speak up about her involvement with CIS and what it has meant to her:

“I owe a special debt of thanks to Mrs. Weinstein for her tireless efforts in promoting various opportunities to me. Her guidance and encouragement have allowed me to experience things that I never would have otherwise. Our conversations have also been invaluable to me; evenwhen I struggled to recognize my own achievements, she was always there to cheer me on with pride and enthusiasm. For this, I will always be grateful.”

View this video of John’na sharing about her CIS experience: