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TRiO / Talent Search

The Talent Search program provides career exploration and college admissions support services to low income and would-be first generation college students.


Parents/Students interested in enrolling in the TRiO program, please download and save this application (a “fillable” PDF) to your personal computer/device. After filling it out, save and re-name the file with your student’s name and email it to the TRiO Counselor at your school (Counselor emails are included on the form). 

TRiOTalent Search is a Federal TRiO program administered by Communities In Schools through funding from the U.S. Department of Education. The program is delivered through a case-management model by CIS Talent Search Counselors at selected CMS high schools, serving approximately 1,000 students annually.

TRiOThe goal of Talent Search is to support students who have the potential to succeed in higher education but who may be first in their family to attend college (“first generation”), and to help these students progress through the academic pipeline to postsecondary degree attainment. Participants prepare for post-secondary education through workshops and events that focus on career exploration, college preparation, and social and cultural development. Activities include college advisement, assistance with college, financial aid, and scholarship applications, tutoring, campus tours, financial literacy programs, SAT/ACT preparation, career exploration, social capital networking and exposure, and cultural enrichment. Talent Search Counselors also assist students with the transition from high school to college, through their first semester in college.

To learn more about the Talent Search program, contact TRiO Talent Search Program Assistant Vanessa Boling.