Brighten the Way for A Student By Purchasing Our Holiday Cards
Every day, our Site Coordinators share their Love and Light with students by providing needed resources and connecting them to life-changing opportunities. Best of all, CIS helps students see their own potential and the Love and Light they themselves have to give to the world. During this giving season, please share your Love and Light with a student by making a donation or purchasing our Holiday Cards in honor or in memory of family, friends, and colleagues. The cards are designed using original artwork by a CIS student. To ensure holiday delivery, order cards by December 13 . (Suggested donation is $15 minimum per card).
Meet the Artist
We are delighted to introduce Jasmine, the artist behind this year’s CIS holiday card. Jasmine is an 8th grader at Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School and excels in many subjects. Last year she won a Friedland Scholarship, which provides full college tuition and a mentor from 8th-12th grades. She also loves participating in CIS, especially the opportunities to visit college campuses. It was her CIS Site Coordinator, Kamiya Jones, who encouraged Jasmine to apply for the Friedland Scholarship.
“Jasmine is friendly and outgoing, with a vibrant personality,” said Ms. Jones. “What I admire most about Jasmine, however, is her perseverance. She struggled in the 6th grade, but has come a long way. She really listens to advice and works to improve. With Jasmine, you can just tell, this girl is going to be somebody.”