
Bonding Over Bikes!

Efuru with bike cropped IMG 0317 smallEfuru Cole-Brewer, a CIS senior at Harding University High School, just received some exciting news: her first acceptance letter to college! It was from Arizona State University, and while it was her first acceptance letter, those who know Efuru best say it will likely not be her last.
But wherever Efuru decides to attend college, she will certainly have a cool mode of transportation: a foldable Brompton bike, courtesy of CIS Board member and friend, Jon Davis! 
Efuru is thrilled wtih the bike. “I adore it,” she said, “because it’s everything I love about taking the steps to live sustainable. Both convenient and clean.”
Jon Efuru cropped IMG 0318 smallDavis met Efuru through CIS a couple of years ago, and they have “bonded” over similar interests, including biking and love of the outdoors.
“We both love travel, cool gadgets and the freedom of a bike,” said Jon. “When she got the news from ASU, I couldn’t resist giving her my foldable bike, especially as she will head off to college next year. I knew it would keep her mobile and out in the world inspiring everyone she meets!”
We will keep you posted on which college campus Efuru will be zipping across on her Brompton bike, but in the meantime, we extend “kudos” to both Efuru and Jon – for staying focused on the dream and for giving the perfect gift!