Let’s give a HUGE shout-out to CIS Site Coordinator Clay Freeman and not one – not two – but THREE of his 8th grade students at Berryhill School K-8 who won summer camp scholarships for programs at UNC-Chapel Hill and NC A & T University! Mr. Freeman encouraged all of his 8th graders to apply for the STEM-related camps that will be held on college campuses this summer.
The NCASFAA (North Carolina Association of Financial Aid Administrators) was offering $1,000 scholarships that would cover the full cost of the week-long camps. Students had to write an essay about why they wanted to attend and how the camp would impact their learning. Berryhill’s science teacher, Elisabeth Bennett, allowed Mr. Freeman to use class time for a couple of days to help students with their essays.
Winners include Neshmi Zapata and Brisa Sosa, who will attend UNC-Chapel Hill for a camp about YouTube and video production; and Ashley Medina, who will attend an engineering camp at NC A & T. What an opportunity for these students – and what an accomplishment to have three winners from one school!