In a surprise presentation at Communities In Schools’ 30th Anniversary celebration in December, CMS Superintendent Ann Clark received Communities In Schools’ special DreamMaker Award, which the agency has historically given to local community leaders who have demonstrated an extraordinary contribution to the education and welfare of children. The award is molded from the hand of a former CIS student grasping a diploma, illustrating the pride and accomplishment felt upon reaching graduation.
Below are CIS Executive Director Molly Shaw’s remarks from her presentation to Clark:
“Each of you [speaking to the room full of CIS staff and Board members] is also a ‘DreamMaker.’ Someone who has helped us meet the needs and build the dreams of our children. In the past we have celebrated some key leaders who have committed their lives – their time, talent and treasures to DreamMaking for our CIS students. Leaders like Bill Milliken (CIS National Founder) and our CIS-Charlotte founders Cynthia Marshall, John Tate, Jr., and Ed Crutchfield, as well others in the community, including Barb Pellin, Hugh McColl, George T. Lewis and John Tate III, to mention a few.
Today we celebrate another person who has dedicated her life to education and ensuring that every student has access to quality education and opportunity to succeed. Ann Clark, current Superintendent of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, has worked for more than 30 years as teacher and leader for our kids. She has supported CIS over the years as a member of our Board and close partner in our work. She has always kept students at the forefront of the conversation as we have grown to support more students and evolved intentionally in our service delivery. She is the voice that everyone stops to listen to, and she is a leader who has inspired by example.
In celebration of our 30th anniversary and for all that you have made possible, I am thrilled to present the Communities In Schools’ DreamMaker Award to Ann Clark.”